Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Back to the Cosmopolitan.

Conference center waiting area

Some all art

Nice to wander around and not just face slot machines


Shrinky said...

I'm disappointed, where are all the slot machines? If I ever get to Vegas and turf up there, I'll be proper disallusioned (and want my un-gambled money back).

Just saying. said...

I agree with you there, haha the cosmopolitan is such a nice hotel. I went to Marqee there once and it was a great club.
Nice post
Dale :)

stephen Hayes said...

Strangely empty. When I think of Vegas I think of hustle and bustle. This place is emptier than a gathering of the Chubby Chatterbox Fan Club!

stephen Hayes said...

Strangely empty. When I think of Vegas I think of hustle and bustle. This place is emptier than a gathering of the Chubby Chatterbox Fan Club!

Virginia Gal said...

You had rain?! I'm so jealous! Please send to Arizona'!

will said...

Inside a Cube.
Where are the Borg?
Out assimilating tourists?

SOL's view said...

I like the wall feature. It's nice to look at something that is a little out of mainstream.
