Las Vegas is underneath some major aircraft routes. During the non summer months here (the few that we have) the temperature way up high is cool with very low humidity, and the jets overhead leave some major stripes behind them way up there. Some of the first photos I took after moving here were of the interesting patterns in the sky.
Driving to downtown early last week I looked up and saw an interesting checkerboard pattern overhead. The camera in my phone doesn’t capture all of the strips overhead, but even so it still is pretty.
Airplanes, maybe. Those look more like Aliens in a search pattern scoping all the old A and H-bomb test locales.
Well said Will!
Does look great though, doesn't it! We don't get that here....
Heard a Joni Mitchell song on the radio a couple of days back about Amelia Erhard: she was singing about seeing six parallel vapour trails in the sky and described them as "a hexagram of the heavens" which I thought was a lovely image.
We get the western planes heading east and eastern heading west, but nothing like that. looks fantastic doesn't it?
The clouds are playing tic tac toe!
Nice. Plenty of time at the stop lights to take pictures too! I do it myself.
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