Friday, July 05, 2013


It’s a little smokey outside right now, there is a big brush fire on Mt. Charleston about 60km north of the city. Not much of a wind, but the smoke has come to the valley and is obscuring the mountains and early morning sun. Not as bad as the fire in Arizona, but it has been burning for a day and is being challenging for the firefighters. Brush fires are a problem out west, with the hot dry summer days contributing to things. This one was started by lightning on the mountain, not accidentally (or on purpose) by people.

A few weeks ago, before it got too hot, I caught some clouds in the sky during one of our evening walks. This is what I like about Vegas, the blue sky and wispy clouds.


Steve Skinner said...

Very nice!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Joe, I love looking at clouds and have spent some time this summer trying to educate some young boys about cloud formations. Cirrus I recognize, but would not know what to call the flat horizontal ones...


Blond Duck said...

I just like the shapes. I saw one that looked like a stegosaurus yesterday!

Daly said...

Nice! Vegas has the bluest skies I've ever seen and pretty sunsets too.

Stuart said...

Beautiful shot. I hope it still looks like this. I just read (Wednesday) that there are brush fires in Vegas today. Everything OK there ?

Anonymous said...

•✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰
Un petit coucou amical chez toi Joe
Bonne continuation !!!!!
•✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰ •✰

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Not so good about the fire Joe, but great shot of the clouds.

jeanjacques666 said...

Magnifique ce ciel nuageux...
Je vous souhaite une bonne fin de semaine.

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