Wednesday, July 24, 2013

A note to Nancy

A note to Nancy (from je n'ai pas votre adresse e-mail et j'espère que vous viendrez ici - pourquoi avez-vous verrouillez votre blog? J'ai adoré les photos de Thaïlande. S'il vous plaît laissez-moi po.

Several of the blogs that I like (over there on the right) are disappearing. I had to pull off two today, usually I wait until there is no new post for three months in the hope that people will come back. I know people have lives, and this is nothing but a short diversion. At times I too don't feel like putting anything up, but here I am anyway. Thank you to those who do continue to write.


Anonymous said...

Hi Joe:
I don't usually comment on any of your blogs but I sure do enjoy reading them. I have been reading them for quite a few years now. I got the link from Tess and Charles blogs. I too use to live in Yellowknife and then Vancouver and am now enjoying myself in Creston, BC. We are located right at the Idaho Border. I have been to Vegas many times but not recently so I really enjoy all the tidbits about your City. Regards.

angryparsnip said...

I also enjoy your blog but I think you know that already.

cheers, parsnip

Blond Duck said...

It's always sad when people leave.

Anonymous said...

Un petit coucou chez toi ! :)
Je suis revenue sur la blogosphère et j'ai ouvert à nouveau mon petit blog !!!!

A bientôt Joe !!! GROS BISOUS et bon week-end !!!!

Anonymous said...

Un petit bonjour en ce lundi matin chez toi Joe
Bon début de semaine et GROS BISOUS d'Asie

Blond Duck said...

Happy Wednesday!

SOL's view said...

Keep writing :)

khairy said...

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