Friday, December 08, 2006

Visit Rumors

Oh, excitement. Rumors abound (well, OK, not abound maybe but I'm putting them out) that one of the bloggers I frequently read is coming to visit Las Vegas. Hopefully I'll get to meet them in person! Well, I'm excited, don't know if they want to meet me or not but if I find out where they are staying then, well, I'm not beyond stalking. (oh, please, don't mean to scare you away)

Someone in the past supposedly was coming out but then disappointment ended up not showing up. I will not name names, but I'll point fingers. See, there's where my fingers are pointing. You know who I'm talking about.

Talking like this I guess that some day I'll have to show up at somebody else's place.

Someday maybe pictures of somebody that hasn't appeared too often in pictures. At least I haven't seen many. Oh, but then they may take pics of me. Hmmm.

I've read of blog parties in Houston and England and Paris that I would have liked to have made. Maybe someday I'll get to traveling again. But when you live in one of the destination cities of the world, and can see a pyramid and the Empire State Building and the Eiffel Tower and a lake in Italy full of fountains and Rome and lots of other places all while driving home from work, well, why go anywhere else?

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