One of my daily stops is Anna's Little Red Boat, a delightfully written log of goings on around England. While the Boat is not a holiday related site, Anna's recent story about her mouse adventures are written while she and her sister put up their annual holiday advent calendar, Meg & Anna's 'Tis the Season. Please go there, and take the time to answer any questions that might pop up - you will be rewarded. Be sure to start on day one and proceed forward. On day 7 is a delightful song of the season by the two sisters, and is becoming my favorite thing to listen to when my day needs brightening. Since I am concerned that the site will disappear with the season, I hope Anna isn't too annoyed with my grabbing the song and posting it here for all to listen to forever (at least until this blog goes). Meg & Anna's Do They Know It's Christmas? I just love it. For those of you in a Christmas mood, here are some more Christmas Favorite Songs. I had to download them for additions to my seasonal Ipod stuff. I've been listening to #7 for a few repeats now, another uplifting tune. If anyone knows where to get 'Wearing Women's Underwear' please let me know.
For those of you in a sick of holiday mood, and still not satisfied with the overwhelming mandate received by our fine president, here is another individual displaying his attitude toward Homeland Security. Lots of work here.
Met my daughter for lunch at the Fashion Show Mall a few days ago. She bought an Ipod for her husband - hope he doesn't read this before Saturday and find out. Went there with my wife on Sunday for some of our own shopping. While there we got to see some of the fashion shows that the mall is named for. I am fascinated with gadgets, and the runway that is used by the models is just dramatic. Music rises, and up from the flat mall floor rises this little room, with a long runway in front. The runway is similar to what you see in real fashion shows, about three feet high, eight wide and a hundred or so feet long. At the end of the runway is a little room (well, not so little) from which the models emerge and disappear into. Inside are changing rooms, and stairs down for new ones to come up from. Here is a shot of the thing starting to descend after the show.
With a guard at every corner, so no one walks by and gets caught. A tree of the season on top, after sliding down it's just a flat floor again. And this year Cadilac rented prime space inside to show off their new cars.
One of the shows was comprised of local firemen, advertising a calendar with profits going to charities. Boy, I am impressed with the muscles on these dudes. The second show, one every half hour on weekends, was the standard skinny models and slinky clothes stuff. I don't know where they learn that 'fashion walk' - looks like they are stepping on snails or something. Does somebody really think that's sexy or something? But on this show they had fog - up from the floor came drifts of fog across the stage. Really nice affect. Wish I could have one at home.
I bought one thing for myself - something that is unnecessary across most of the country but unusual here in LV or down in San Diego -
yep, fake snow. Really looks like the real stuff, but warm and plastic - how perfect for LA. Don't know what I'll do with it, but I just had to have a box of snow, even faux stuff.
For all, a merry season.
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