Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Three walking things

I’m a computer programmer (sorry, the current term is Software Engineer) and sit at a desk in front of a computer all day. In a big building full of high walled cubicles. It’s very quiet, few people talk to each other and nobody walks around to visit. To keep my legs from freezing up I try to get up every hour or so and go for a walk around the parking lot. It’s a big lot between buildings and takes around ten minutes to circle. It’s an OK walk, all I really see is asphalt, cars and buildings but there are trees in the distance. Here are three things for Clare
1. Enjoying the bright sunshine in my face while walking, feeling the cool air and looking forward to it warming up. Supposed to be over 90f tomorrow (30c) – a little early (90 in freekin’ March? What’s up?)
2. Hearing the sound of a train horn in the distance, announcing its trip along the freeway and across some local roads.
3. Rounding the corner and catching the smooth odor of the sweet acacia bushes in bloom – meter high balls of bright yellow flowers.


Stuart said...

Joe, I'd say you're as much a poet as a SE. I should know, not because I am a poet but because I retired from programming a few years back. I too used to take frequent breaks from my little cubicle to walk around the parking lot (Research Triangle Park NC), in order to catch some real sunlight, breath in some fresh air, and absorb real life outside the steel and glass office environment. All I can say is, "keep walkin'".

Anonymous said...

Coucou Joe
Merci pour ces "three walking things"...
j'aime beaucoup !!!!


PerthDailyPhoto said...

Love these Joe, I can see that you are the type of person who always looks for the positives, me's the very best way to enjoy life oui!

Anonymous said...

Un petit bonjour chez toi Joe en ce vendredi
GROSSES BISES et bonne fin de semaine !!!!!!!

Blond Duck said...

That's the one thing I hated about being in an office. IT sucked!

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

You are very observant, Joe. It's nice to notice the signs of spring, and I hope that the high temp at this early stage is not an indication of the sizzling summer to come!


Diane Laney Fitzpatrick said...

It's great that you can find some beauty and worth in a mid-workday walk. There's wonderful things all around you.

SOL's view said...

It's nice to step out and walk occasionally. I'm lucky in that I sit at the end of the office where there is no cubicle walls, I'm directly opposite the front door - everyone has to walk past me at some point - and the office is in the middle of a suburban semi rural setting. Lots of trees and occasionally some wildlife.

Colleen Barnett said...

I have a window I can look outside - if I get up and go look through it. On quiet days I get to hear a few birds chirping in the trees. I love to get out now and then. When my foot is back on the mend I'll try go for a walk every day again. got out of the habit when it started hurting a year ago...


Rob said...

It's almost exactly a year since I left the cube farm. Can't say I miss it (the bank was a really friendly workplace when I joined with all kinds of things going on, but after a few mergers and takeovers it got big and impersonal). Now I'm back in a small office with half a dozen other guys, which is how I started out (though now I'm lecturing instead of coding). At least you can get out and walk around - not so bad.