Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday videos - Hide your wife

Kevin recently posted a link to this crime story. When I first saw it I thought it was a joke, that guy just seemed a little to strange to be real, but I guess he was (is)

This video seemed to be rather popular, and someone with the time took advantage of Auto Tune to create a music video

Pretty good, I’m not sure which one is more entertaining, the original news story or the remix.


Las Vegas Mama said...

Hilarious!!! That guy cracks me up!

AiringMyLaundry said...


The Blonde Duck said...

Oh Lord!

Colleen Barnett said...

I just LOVE the brother! He could get a job in showbizz! Man, there are some strange people out there. I guess, it takes all types to make the world an interesting place! Thanks Joe!

Karen said...

Joe, these videos are almost 'old' now lol! Get with the times... ;-p