Monday, July 12, 2010

Video monday - old movies and Elvis

Elvis was in the news today. Well, the term used to be Elvis Impersonators, but the current politically correct term is Elvis Tribute Artist. Large Elvis just got engaged – he used to weigh 900 pounds, but has dropped to only 400. Large Elvis used to have a regular gig here, I’ll have to search around and see if he still does. Another Elvis was recently married; he gave his bride a wedding ring that Elvis (the real one) designed for a friend and was married in one of those little chapels by, of course, another Elvis minister. That is really a Vegas wedding.

OK, so here’s an old Elvis; the real one

Way back once upon a time I attended college and my major was Photographic Arts. I found computer programming to be more interesting and so have worked with machines since then rather than with film (or digits now) but I still keep my interest in seeing good pictures and interesting movies. I like some of the very old stuff, before all of the modern electronic advances that have made worlds of fantasy easily come to the screen. Since we’re on to old things (well, that Elvis video is probably over 50 years old) we can go back another fifty years to see what San Francisco was like in 1908.

Compared to how people drive today, I am just impressed by how slow everything was, and how people just walked across the street in front of everything.

Just 13 years prior to that the first motion picture ever made that was shown to an audience

It was only a few years until stories were made into movies, in 1898 one of the first was a British production of Santa Claus

The first science fiction movie came in 1902, A Trip to the Moon from the HG Wells and Jules Verne stories, by George Melies (sorry, my keyboard doesn’t do the proper marks above the letters). With special effects, the precursor to mat paintings (with cardboard cutouts of buildings and backgrounds) and action!

See how easily I bounced from Elvi to old movies? You get an assortment when you come here. (hmm, not sure if I'd rather watch these or ladies in underwear from the previous post)


The Blonde Duck said...

I love "A Little Less Conversation"

Moody Food Reviews said...

Interesting facts. My husband loves Elvis. Me, not so much. lol

SOL's view said...

San Fran 1908 is amazing. At first I thought that seems impossibly slow but there is little skipping between the frames so it must be pretty true to speed! Wow. Imagine living life in the slow lane. :)