A few months ago E asked mom if they could get a cat. This was before they saw the musical cats. At least that is how it was relayed to me, it might have been mom that suggested to E they get a cat, but since I wasn’t involved in the whole process I can’t be sure. Anyway, they went down to the animal shelter and picked out a friendly animal and after much paperwork and approval they brought her home. E got to pick a name and instead of naming her Princess Twinkle Twinkle Fuzzy Cat like I suggested she named her Rosie. Rosie and E get along very well, and when on phone calls I can hear the two of them in the background running around the house. There are even times when both of them sit down and watch TV together.
On the big couch in the front room.
E and her family live in Portland Oregon, as she will tell you if you ask her where she lives. Not in Las Vegas Nevada anymore but in Portland Oregon, and she is proud of her city.
But I still wish she was here so that I could see her more often. At least now before she gets to be a teenager.
A kid and her first pet. Sweet.
I love E-Fridays. :)
Boy, these spammers love your blog, don't they!
Rosie is a beautiful kitty isn't she? I am so glad E has a pet, they are wonderful healers, companions, and all round playmates. Plus, she chose a cat, which is even better!
Very nice!
But that's Vancouver in the background....
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