Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Ok, warmer, first day of summer

Finally got up to 105 yesterday (but it only felt like 101). same today, but the pool's up to 92 and really really nice. Come on over for a swim. Oh - weather.com says it's 104 but feels like 98 - so nice it's cooler feeling today. But 5pm is usually the hot spot, so still have four more hours to warm up. Don't want to feel like I'm complaining - I really like it. Sit out in back in the shade, drink my niced iced coffee (learned to do the caramel machiado myself, save like $4.45 off the Starbucks $ 4.50). Watch the birds fight on the feeder, enjoy the warmth. A heck of a lot better than the 20f below (BELOW FREAKIN ZERO) I remember in Rochester, NY.

Update - 2pm and it's now 109 but only feels like 103. At 7% humidity, it's not that you don't sweat (sorry ladies, perspire) it's just that at this temp and humidity it dries so fast you are never wet. I remember summers in New Jersey, 88f and 103% humidity, something to die for. I hear Florida is even worse (with the bugs). How about New Orleans? But I don't care what I say, 109 is HOT!

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