A few weeks ago we went down to City Center and walked around in the drizzle. Here is what Vegas looks like when it’s cloudy and wet – City Center
Crystals shopping center and the Strip
It’s difficult to get photos of the sky without any blue showing.
Next Thursday is international Talk Like A Pirate Day – locally the Krispy Kreme donut stores will give a free dozen donuts to anyone coming in that day dressed like a pirate, with at least three items of pirate type clothing, such as an eye patch, big gold earring, frilly shirt or similar items. You probably have to through in a few ‘Arrrgs’ along with the donut request.
We finally are almost done with our kitchen. Only thing left is for me to finish installing toe plates around the island and B to paint and patch the trim – should be finished tomorrow officially!! Then I get to post photos for my memory of the event. It’s taken us long enough. Next project is my office – moving in those shelves we took out of the living room when we expanded the kitchen and changing around the closet.
Back to Smith Center Cabaret tonight to see Arturo Sandoval, we’re trying seats on the upper level to get a little different view. Looking forward to his music.
impressionnante la tour à droite du premier cliché
J'aime cette publication !
Bises et bonne continuation !!!
Je dépose chez toi un coucou amical en ce mercredi matin !
Gros bisous et passe une agréable journée Joe !!!!
I hope ya'll have fun!
Bonjour Joe et MERCI pour ta visite sur mon petit blog !
et bonne journée ! :o)
Happy Thursday!
I should like to see Arturo. Hope you enjoyed him.
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