We don’t have very many native plants that have impressive blooms. The yucca is about the only one, with towers of white flowers at the tips. But people plant a lot of things, and as long as they get water we get flowers. It’s pleasant driving around with the windows open driving through drifts of fragrance coming from the plantings. As long as plants are regularly watered most do well in the heat, but we have lost some plants due to excessive cold in the winter.
These are what’s blooming around our yard this week:
Orange mallow, we also have yellow and red, these have been in a few years, and grow as a low bush, under one foot tall and about a yard wide, spreading out over the driveway.
Mexican primrose are weeds that do have some nice pink flowers in the spring and summer, but the seeds blow everywhere.
Our two olive trees have been in for over fifty years, and are quite large. Blooming olives can no longer be planted in Las Vegas due to the tremendous amount of pollen then produce – our front patio turns yellow from all of the drop.
Pyracantha does well, with very fragrant blooms now and red berries all winter. These are only a few years old, but we expect mounds about a yard high and wide as they grow.
The red yucca does well, as does a very similar one with yellow blooms. These are under a foot high, but put out spikes over a yard tall which will open shortly.
Don’t know what these are, but the flowers are numerous and pretty. It’s very low growing, not more than six inches high but spreading out.
We put out some sweet peas, among some summer snap peas and sunflowers.
Over the front patio we put in a wisteria that we brought up from San Diego. It’s finally filling in and starting to bloom.
That's about it, tomatoes in the raised beds are doing well with a lot of blooms and some starting to set fruit. That all has to set before the high heat comes, when things ripen but a lot of the plants don't put out blooms to get new ones until the fall when it starts cooling off again. Our cherry tomatoes usually produce a lot all year long.
Beautiful !
Wisteria is fabulous, lucky you.
I haven't been able to put the tomatoes in yet.... must do that this week. Only got the area for them pack rat proofed so much to be done.
I always loved fall and never quite understood why ? after all isn't spring the best ?
But when I moved back from living every where I realized that when I grew up in Tucson Fall was the best season. I grew up before air conditioners ! That after the scorching heat of summer fall was the best. Cooler day and evening, air smelled of sage and ozone and everything was not so dry again. Yes I too love Fall.
cheers, parsnip
♡✿♡ ♡✿♡ ♡✿♡
Coucou et merci pour ces belles photos Joe !!!
J'aime toutes ces fleurs ! Les couleurs sont extras !!!
GROSSES BISES de Thaïlande jusqu'à chez toi !
♡✿♡ ♡✿♡ ♡✿♡
beautiful pics, Joe. I don't have much of a garden any more. A couple of ratty standard roses, two huge flowering plum trees that look great in spring and through summer, and some geraniums. I used to have a lot of geraniums down the back but the lawn mowers dumped grass clippings all over them and the grass just took off and smothered them one rainy week. No more geraniums. I had some cuttings of my favourites, but recently Dobby was playing on the hammock and fell out and flattened them. So. when we move to Sydney I might look around and see what I can get over there and start again!
♡✿♡ ♡✿♡ ♡✿♡
Bonjour cher !!! :o)
En France c'est la fête du muguet (fleur) et c'est aussi la fête du travail (c'est un jour férié)
BISES et passe un bon 1er mai !!!! :o)
♡✿♡ ♡✿♡ ♡✿♡
We keep having weird weather-- 90 then 50!
What a fabulous floral yard you have !
Gosh Joe, is 37C typical spring weather in Vegas. that's summer weather here. I do love the flowers that manage to survive (with water) especially the Mexican Primrose and my very favourite the wisteria, must try and grow one.
Great photos Joe. It looks very pretty in spring!
As for your question, Rabbit has an intellectual impairment. She's fine on her own but has no control over the kids (teenagers) who are on the Autism spectrum. She needs help while they are in the house. :)
We just bought a wisteria, planted it this morning. We hope that the many showers we're getting will get it growing in not time!
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