Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer rain

It’s early afternoon and raining! Las Vegas just gets an average of three inches (8 cm) of rain a year, which normally comes from just a few thunderstorms that blow through rather quickly, drop a half inch of rain in ten minutes then move off over the valley. Today there is continuous cloud cover, and it’s been drizzling fairly steadily for the past three hours – something that I’ve only seen once before in the ten years we have been here. B’s already called to report roof leaks, so it looks like a new big expense in the near future. Nice, but I’d rather have the thunderstorms come and go and be back to sunshine.


Marianne said...

Rain in Vegas? Say it ain't so!

will said...

Probably a few soakings and the roof would swell up and not leak.

SOL's view said...

Raining! That must feel different. And probably explains why it's been a bit dry over here in Aus. It's gone on a holiday to Vegas. :)

Back to normal here now though, they say it will be raining today and possibly tomorrow.

Hopefully the leaks aren't too expensive to fix.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, the rest of the country is still in drought conditions. Quit hogging the rain!

Blond Duck said...

It rained the whole time we were in Tampa!