Friday, May 06, 2011


Not much going on for me this weekend. Temps are up in the mid 90's (35c or so) and our garden is doing well.
The Palazzo is celebrating Spring


will said...

Having never been to Vegas, is Palazzo a casino or spa kind of place.

Currently its 51 degrees and misting.

Don said...

Sunday! Bet you don't have those 90's now.

Nice photo.

Colleen Barnett said...

Hey, great photo Joe. Very "springy"

SOL's view said...

Beautiful photo. Very spring. I see the temps are warming up. Think I'll post myself over there.

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Wow - Spring eh?! Its very colourful!

Daly said...

We'll have to go see that! I hope it's not too late...