I see it’s snowing back in Rochester again. Don’t know why I keep talking about Rochester, guess it’s because I lived there during my ‘formative’ years in colleges. No, no wild parties, I’m not the wild party kind of guy. I was the quiet shy kind of guy back then, changed that over the years, not the quiet type but changed the shy type. Guess I wasn’t to quiet, for one year I was selected as the College Union Social Chairman. I was the guy that put on all of the concerts and lots of the parties. That’s how I got to meet Dave Brubeck in his underwear (the first time I saw him in his underwear) (no, not that exciting a story) (OK, boxers). We also had Ritchie Havens, Harry Chapin, Peter _ and Mary (after they split up), Weather Report, and
Genesis (hey, we’re still listed on their site). You remember Genesis? Back before Kiss they painted their faces white and black, the band Phil Collins used to be in.
But on to the weather here. Trees are starting to bloom. Our peach tree has a few blossoms starting, and some green leaves showing.

Last year it was just a mound of pink, but this year the leaves are coming first, and the blooms slowly, so we will get a longer less brilliant show. You can see the trees behind are still bare. Some of the flowering trees around town are in full bloom, lots of pinks and bright whites.
And for
Brighton, we have a red front door too.

When we moved in it was plain and dull green, but we pulled off the trim that made it look like a paneled door, I cut the slots and put in the glass, and B tried a dozen different shades before ending up with this one. Took a while to settle on the ripply glass. I think it looks pretty good. And our little dogs can stand up and look out the windows when people ring the bell.
1 comment:
haha I can say I'm like you but I never been shy I'm just quiet waiting for someone do something funny and laugh, I buy a little house outside downtown because that place it's quiet and peaceful I can write there.
Thanks for sharng.
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