Friday, April 06, 2007

Spring pizza on E Friday

Its Spring here, and the crowd packs up and drives off tomorrow morning. Last week our daughter taught her last fifth grade class in Las Vegas (if the house sale does go through) and B took E in to join the class for lunch. They had pizza on the grass and then played ball.
First, E apparently had some problems in getting her own plate and was a bit concerned.

But it finally showed up, and evidently everyone consumed great quantities.

I love this smile, evidently the pizza was good.

And the class seemed to enjoy the short one in their midst, who also enjoyed the attention.

But then came the game of kickball. Everyone knows that when playing kickball the object is to kick the ball back and forth. But the ball finally ended up with somebody shorter than the rest that did not know the rules. She just thought the ball was now hers. See if you can guess who has the ball in this picture.

I hope you guessed correctly.

The dilemma for the class was ‘OK, teacher’s kid has the ball, how do we get it back without getting teacher mad?

I guess the ball was eventually returned to the group, and E wandered off looking for others. But a pleasant afternoon was had by all.

This school is one of the ‘year round’ schools. They scatter the breaks around the year instead of everyone having the summer off. Last Friday was the last day of school for this class before going on their spring break, which will last for five weeks. Looks like they will return to find a new teacher in front of them (Yes, they know, DD told them before she left).

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