Sunday, December 09, 2007

E not really Friday

In following the tradition of Clare we return again to E Friday, where I post three photos of my darling granddaughter E, because VG really likes to look at these pics. Well, I like to look at them also.

No theme today, these are just some of the random shots I’ve got piled up marked as not yet posted. If you have seen them before, well, here they are again.

Out in our back yard we have this little push car that E likes. She fits inside, but hasn’t yet got the hang of moving forward very fast.

Doesn't she look like she's ready to take on those vicious Vegas drivers? Look closely, if you are familiar with these cars, and you will notice that her feet are not down there pushing her along - she has learned to pick her feet up and wait to be pushed, but not the scooting along stuff.

And back on the grass is a small climbing box with attached slide that she has gotten very good at sliding down on.

But most of all I like the hair.

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